At present, Ruy de Mello Miller Law Firm is one of the largest law offices in the Santos and neighboring areas, relying on a staff of over 60 lawyers in 2021. The company is undergoing a strong expansion trend, considering the development of the fields it works in, as well as parallel ones such as the gas and petroleum industry and the real property market. Such demands intensifying the movement of hired people and expansion of infrastructure contributed to its directors’ concern about how sustainable development of the organization might be incremented..

With this in mind, in 2011, Ruy de Mello Miller Law Firm, assisted by Eccaplan - Consultoria em Desenvolvimento Sustentável, (a sustainable development consulting firm) started to take stock of carbon emissions generated by its activity, so as to offset such consumption through the acquisition of Carbon Credits.

Thus, Ruy de Mello Miller Law Firm became the first law office in Brazil having its carbon inventory published in the Public Register of Emissions of the GHG Program Protocol, maintained by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in partnership with the Environment Ministry, receiving the Program Silver Seal.

More than an official certification, sustainable guidelines are part of the daily routine of our company, promoting in house actions addressed to sustainable development, such as:
- Reduction of electricity consumption and polluting gases emission (by encouraging a decrease in vehicles used by its collaborators from their homes to the main office);
- Creation of internal electronic procedures, so as significantly to decrease paper utilization;
- Selection of solid residues;
- Setting up of a volunteer group carrying out activities going beyond social assistance campaigns already previously implemented, through dedicating part of work hours to the support of social projects (Programa Hora Cidadã –Civic Hour Program);
- Incentives to professionals who add to sustainable policies mentioned before, among which: incentive to engage in sports, sponsoring of outside physical activity and fitness club, alternative communication channels for expressing views and building up transparent relations (an internal affairs office) and courses for technical and managerial improvement.
Thus, the public inventory of Ruy de Mello Miller Law Firm synthetizes this old-new step in constructing socially fair, economically feasible and environmentally correct policies and practices, for its next 50 years of legal services and human development.
Finally, among the main goals of this perennial campaign, there is the task already begun of multiplying this philosophy in Santos and neighboring area, thus contributing to the development of clean technologies. The purpose is to influence not only collaborators and relatives, but also clients, suppliers and other law offices who have not as yet realized, to its full extent, that the adoption of sustainable attitudes is a condition, rather than an option for our survival as a society..